
Hope for the Future 2025 

A Message From CBennettworld:

Hope for the Future 2025 

Urbi et Oy vey

Happy holidays on this very special Sunday December 29, 2024, from the imaginary C-Suite at CBennettworld. We apologize for the tardiness of this annual corporate communication and extend our sincere thanks to the throngs of quarks who have zigzagged in anticipation for some end of the year bromides. Everyone, from our chatbots to our voicemail program to our self-serve kiosks to our automated delivery drivers, wish you and your family wishes for a wishful wish. 

It has been a challenging year for CBennettworld. In early 2024 we fended off a fictitious hostile takeover bid from Bennettland, and a few months later we were sued by the fabricated Bennettglobal for IP infringement, which we vehemently denied, denied, denied. Carolyn Bennett Writer/Comic.blogspot accused Carolyn Bennett Writer/ of fraud, when in fact they are one in the same, albeit .com pays for a domain now. The dispute was settled by the made-up law firm of Bennett, Bennet and Benett. Nevertheless, our imaginary shareholders showed their displeasure by refusing to read any blogs that complained about small town life in Ontario.

2025 is shaping up to be an exciting year for CBennettworld. Plans for our warehouse expansion on the moon are in the final stages and we’re this close to getting inspection approval on our insulation/vapour barrier. We also have a strategy to deal with any 25% tariffs imposed by the US Entertainer in Chief on our Canadian products — we wil pivot away from the US and trade with Vulcans, Klingons and other Star Trek aliens. We feel this is an untapped illusionary market ripe for the taking. If the upcoming US government can tap into old television worlds, so can we. As our mission statement emphasizes , we are a forward-looking conglomerate.  And right now, we’re looking forward at five construction cranes outside our window. Some call it soulless, we call it magic. 

So in closing, we impart this message of Hope for the Future 2025: be generous and donate to causes. You’ll get a tax receipt. Volunteer to make your corner of the world a better place. And get a tax receipt. Do something selfless without reward or recognition. And be sure to get a tax receipt. A thought leader once said Go for it! Our thought leadership team has a new interpretation of that life quote -– It is there to be got! In 2025, go get that it that is there to be got -– whatever that it is for you to be got.

Until December 2025, and in closing for real, may we jump into 2025 as we would a polar plunge – exhilarated, alive, and (especially for our trading partners south of the border) with dicks shrunken in humility. We’re all in this together


Imaginary CEO


Ron James is Not Nearly Done

From The Fishwrapper october 24

Ron James: Not Nearly Done Yet

There’s a hilarious 2010 Air Farce New Year’s Eve sketch where comedian and cast regular Alan Park does a send up of Ron James. Park impersonates Ron’s famous linguistic style, a combination of verbal pyrotechnics and east coast lilt, complete with subtitles for those unable to follow. It’s an affectionate poke, maybe a little inside baseball, but Ron’s singular stage presence is one not easily parodied. Twelve years after that Air Farce sketch, my friend Alan Park succumbed to cancer and passed away at age 60. Ron James, now 65, doesn’t take his longevity for granted. “What motivates me? I like being alive,” he says over the phone from his home in Toronto. 

Ron hits stages across Ontario this fall with his Not Nearly Done Yet comedy tour. One of Canada’s most successful comedians, he consistently sells out venues to a loyal fan base. Before his upcoming date at the Brockville Arts Centre, he reflects on what keeps him going.

“In the years that I could run, I brought my sneakers and my running gear everywhere. I ran all the time on the road. Now I row and cycle.  It clears out the pistons. There’s a lot to be said for staying healthy. I get a lot of great ideas with the endorphin buzz. You can’t drink or smoke and dope your way to genius. I wish I could tell every young comedian that.”

Ron credits his time with Second City when he was younger for a fundamental education in the structure of comedy, and for giving him a vision for his future. “It was like having the Sword of  Damocles hung over everybody there, because you never knew if you were going to get fired. I loved the touring company. But everybody wanted to be on the main stage, and it was politically poisonous with everybody fighting to get their scenes in the show. It wasn’t for me.”

He made the well worn  trek to Los Angeles in the early 1990s to forge a stateside career, but after three tumultuous years, Ron knew something had to change, “I have to give credit to my ex-wife. She said ‘when we go back to Canada you have to do something different.’ I was reading Joseph Campbell at the time, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and the advice was to follow your bliss. That stayed with me.” Back on terra Timmie firma, Ron created a personal manifesto for himself. “I wanted to be a standup, I wanted to do it without an agent and I wanted my own TV series.”

Nine one-hour CBC comedy specials, two television series (Blackfly and The Ron James Show), many appearances at Just for Laughs, CBC’s Halifax and Winnipeg comedy festivals, several awards, and a national bestselling book All Over the Map: Rambles and Ruminations from the Canadian Road later, Ron looks back with gratitude. “I believe I’ve been put here for a reason – to make people laugh. That’s why I keep going, because I knew that when I began blazing trail across the frozen tip of Lake Superior booking myself back in the day, that there was something right about this road I chose.”

It’s not all kismet that turned Ron’s vision into reality. Dedication to his craft has everything to do with it. “You have to enjoy the work,” he emphasizes. “It’s everything, man. It’s a high wire act. Look at Seinfeld, the razor sharp precision of his work is truly remarkable. And oh, would that we could all be Billy Connolly and not write anything down, but Billy’s made the way he’s made, and we’re all made differently.”

Ron’s comedy can be described as “big tent”, meaning it’s inclusive and appealing to a wide range of people. That doesn’t mean he panders. “It’s a comedian’s job to speak truth to power. If I have opinions about fascism or if I have opinions about the convoy, Canada’s cheap January 6 cover band, look, I get my flak on Facebook, but if you’re not losing some of the room from time to time you’re not honouring the dictates of your craft If you’re a comedian living off corporate gigs making $20,000 an hour, at the end of the day you’re not a comedian – you’re Maurice Chevalier singing for the Vichy French. You’re selling out. Hey, [corporate people] aren’t mean people, they’re not bad people, but the first thing they tell you is what you can’t say. I’ve always been able to take the barometric pressure of the country on the road, and I still think people like to laugh at power.” 

We chat about the vicissitudes of network television and his frustrations taking notes from TV executives. What really eludes him is Tik Tok videos that can catapult unknown lip synchers and one minute pranksters to Internet fame. “I don't know the first thing about that …   I may be old school, but you still have to do your 90 minutes. People will say – oh, Ron’s audiences are older, Ron has to start his show at 7:30pm because his audience has to be in bed by 10pm. So what! As people get older, they say that they become more conservative. Not everybody does. They don’t take themselves so seriously anymore. You know why? Because they’re losing people. They know the fragility of life.”

What can audiences expect when Ron comes to a theatre near you? An eclectic buffet of bon mots on aging, food, mid-life crisis dating, and growing up to name a few. Unless a tsunami hits the St, Lawrence Seaway, nothing is going to stop this force of nature. “When the only direction a network wants to see a 65 year old dude with white eyebrows take is walking out the door, to see people walking in to my shows means the world to me. I’m very thankful for this life that I’ve had, and I’m grateful for every kilometre travelled and for every gig performed.”

Ron James: Not Nearly Done Yet

Kingston, Saturday, October 19, Grand Theatre 

Brockville, Friday, October 25, Brockville Arts Centre 

Cornwall, Sunday, October 27, Aultsville Theatre 


A Holiday Message from the CEO of CBennettworld

From my congested heart ventricles to yours, all the best for the 2021 holiday season.

All the best what? you’re wondering. All the best mRNA vaccines, all the best N95 masks, all the best physical distancing from your fellow humans! This is truly the most wonderful and awful time of year. 

As I reflect on another year drawing to a close, I can’t help but marvel at how I share a name with the latest variant of Covid-19. You see, my middle name happens to be Omicron. Carolyn Ann Omicron Bennett, (my parents were fans of the 1963 Italian science fiction movie of the same name, directed by Ugo Gregoretti.) I feel delighted and repulsed by this, similar to my feelings when I lost my virginity. But I digress. 

Once again, all my imaginary employees, from the overworked teams tethered to fulfillment, to the farsighted business analysts slumped at their computers, wish you a happy holiday season, full of joy and purified airborne particles. 

In our imagination, you’ve asked CBennettworld what it is doing for the environment. As a global citizen, CBennettworld is serious about doing its part to create a cleaner, greener world. To that end, and in keeping with our Corporate Sustainability Goals (CSG), our workers shall receive no Christmas bonuses or company presents of any kind this year. 

More news! Our conglomerate is set for big change in 2022. Imaginary Head Office is moving from Toronto, Canada, to a bigger and better Imaginary Head Office, somewhere between Kingston, Canada, and Centaurus A, Outer Space. I look forward to our new letterhead. 

2021 began with an attempted insurrection at the U.S. Capitol building, and is ending with more public health restrictions due to a highly transmittable variant of the coronavirus. We’ve gone from point A to point A, but through it all we’ve stuck together, like passengers on the 501 streetcar. In these trying times, I quote Genesis 15:9 (New International Version): So the LORD said to him, “bring me a heifer, a goat, and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon”.  What God is saying is … pets are nice. Pat a dog, cat, heifer, goat or ram today, along with a dove and a young pigeon. But do not eat them. Not these ones. Even at Christmas. They’re pets. 

So when life gets you down, when Covid-19 (or 20, 21, or whatever it’s up to) upends your plans to have a nine course meal at the top of the CN Tower and forces you to stay home and suffer through old episodes of The Crown on Netflix, do what I do – watch a documentary on the siege of Leningrad. You’re guaranteed to kiss the ground of your 7000 square foot forever home afterward. 

In the meantime, be of good cheer and of generous spirit. Public health says at 50% capacity, but I’m challenging you to be 100% grateful! On behalf of my imaginary employees and C-suite team, I wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas, free from facing your own mortality. 


Carolyn Ann Omicron Bennett

Imaginary CEO, CBennettworld

CB w/ PGC = FUN Monday, February 22, 2pm EST

Please (and I do mean please) join Carolyn Bennett Writer/Comic along with playwright Daniel Thau-Eleff as they read from their work and converse about crafting comedy for the stage. Presented by the Playwrights Guild of Canada (PGC). Free. Did I mention it is free? FREE <tag>Free<tag>. See what I did there?

Click here for free tickets:

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